Sunday, November 11, 2007

sickie est

today woke up still with cough and flu. can consider recover a bit. yesterday after took 7 tablets of pills plus cough syrup...yucks~~~ i not even feel sleepy. get into bed around 1030pm and chit chat with my friend until 12am. wow...i not even feel a bit sleepy :( then my friend has to left me alone in the room. after a while my housemate pass by my room and knocked my door "est, you still awake?" then i opened the door and she came in. we chat for a while in my room then get out of the room have a puff and continued chat until 2am. hahaha... i am wondering is the medicine so CALLED will feel sleepy didnt work on me?

mocha's birthday is coming soon. suppose i will meet him up today to celebrate his birthday. i miss him alot. after i moved here i always dreamt of mocha. sigh...i called my ex see if he can bring mocha over today but....he said he not free then i asked him so when can celebrate birthday for mocha. he just told me he will celebrate for him then hung up :( what does this means? is it celebrate without me? why? god still giving me some test after so many things happened? broke up, moved out, be independant, sick and cant meet mocha? is it enough all this TEST?


i said...

Have faith that God will not put you through beyond what you can endure. Tests in life isn't a bad thing. It helps you grow stronger. Hope you'll have a great celebration with Mocha ;-)

Serena said...

Hope you'll have a nice celebration with Mocha. Stay strong anyway, life has ups and downs.

Anonymous said...

thanks thanks~~nothing much just buy him a birthday cake. not like previous celebration. this is really a simple 1. he is so naughty, cute and funny dog. i really miss him alot :) happy to play with him yesterday

i said...

Birthday cake? post up pics for us to see :-)